ICTN 2023 - Online Registration
Category Up to 15 Nov'23 Up to 20 Nov'23 Proceed

Registration Fee for participation in Conference

Indian (₹)

Industry Delegate
₹ 8,500
₹ 12,000
Academic / Research Delegate
₹ 7,500
₹ 10,000
PhD Student
₹ 6,500
₹ 7,500
Non-PhD Student
₹ 5,000
₹ 5,500

Foreign ($)

Industry Delegate
$ 400
$ 450
$ 250
$ 300
$ 200
$ 250
Category Workshop + Conference Proceed

Registration Fee for participation in Workshop + Conference

Indian (₹)

Industry Delegate
₹ 15,000
Academic / Research Delegate
₹ 12,000
PhD Student
₹ 8,000
Non-PhD Student
₹ 6,500

Foreign ($)

Industry Delegate
$ 600
Academic / Research Delegate
$ 450
$ 350
Category Only Workshop Proceed

Registration Fee for participation in Only Workshop

Indian (₹)

Industry Delegate
₹ 6,000
Academic / Research Delegate
₹ 4,500
PhD Student
₹ 3,500
Non-PhD Student
₹ 2,500

Foreign ($)

Industry Delegate
$ 300
Academic / Research Delegate
$ 250
$ 200
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